This morning, Arlington had its caucus and Ed Markey won all 37 delegates and 6 alternates.
My Twitter feed seems to think Ed is doing well elsewhere, including a sweep in Brookline. If you have caucus results, please add your numbers in the comment section:
Please share widely!
Senator Ed Markey won all of Wakefield’s 13 delegates and 4 alternates on Wednesday night.
Lawrence appeared very organized for Kennedy, who was personally in attendance though I left before the caucus was actually called to order. Tewksbury did not appear organized, but a few of those elected were sporting Kennedy stickers. Pepperell ended up with three Markey delegates and a Kennedy delegate, but without having to ballot.
Markey camp claims victory from these results … but without a total delegate count, impossible to say. Someone knows!
Btw latest WBZ poll puts Kennedy up by 6 points; many undecided; tighter than a few months ago. Trend line actually good for Markey.
From the Markey campaign:
Should we assume he lost the ones he did not mention? Also, caucuses are dumb and exclude working people, people of color, people with disabilities, and young people. We should just switch to primaries and ditch the internal electoral college of a convention entirely.
ANY and ALL Democrats are qualified and publicly invited to their local CAUCUS to :
1. be a CANDIDATE for delegate to the state convention on May 30 in Lowell. The only
qualification is that you be a DEMOCRAT.
2. VOTE for the candidate delegate of your choice.
Attendees of the, caucuses and the convention do not reflect mainstream Dems–almost by definition, they are activists. And the only surge in caucus attendance is to swoop in and vote in new power brokers. Can we think of something better for the 21st Century?
I see a sea of old white faces in Arlington, Fred.
Arlington’s 83.6% white, so not that surprising. Plus the party has an add-on process to make sure the convention is represented and minorities from towns sending all-white delegations have a better shot at being chosen. How about you stop sniping at us from the outside and come inside?
“Any jackass can kick down a barn; it takes a carpenter to build one.”
Harry Truman
If you were to say, in effect, “Let’s do away with convention endorsements because we have a primary for that,” I could understand you. (Not sure I’d agree, but you have a clear argument.)
But instead you seem to be arguing for doing away with the convention entirely (or perhaps having the Mass. Dems run a primary election to elect Convention delegates, which would be awfully expensive).
I can’t agree with that.
Also, I do not understand your ‘electoral college” analogy, since (a) the EC does not use caucuses and (b) although convention delegates are selected locally, they are allocated proportionately.
To be clear that is what I meant.
Convention is a key test of organization and viability and the only step that requires you to be a registered Dem. Why shouldn’t the party “activists” (which can be very generously defined in this context) not have more influence in who represents the party?
Lowell was split pretty well down the middle, and of course there are plenty that haven’t happened yet. Plenty of the demographics you mention come to caucuses and it’s just for ballot access, which I doubt either candidate will have trouble with this year.
You can now add Framingham to the list of Markey caucus wins. Because the Kennedy folks would not agree to a unity slate proposed by Markey supporters on the Democratic Committee that would have reflected the known preferences of all local Democratic activists, So it ended up as an all or nothing affair and Kennedy lost. Many of us feel badly that some Kennedy supporters who are our friends and deserved to be chosen as delegates for their past contributions to the Democratic Party had to be shut out because of the Kennedy campaign’s refusal to compromise in the face of almost certain defeat. So it was a sweep for Markey — 34 regular delegates and 6 alternate delegates.