Today, I’m ‘fired up and ready to go’ with my Congressman Seth Moulton and my pal Terry McGinty, as we trek to frigid Portsmouth, N.H. to knock doors for our champion, Joe Biden. May the force be with us!
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Reality-based commentary on politics.
“If you want to feel good, do good.” Jon Bonjovi I’m feelin’ good, today!
We’re gonna beat that Orange Thug like a drum!
I gotta say, Biden’s ad against Buttigieg is one of the most brutal ads I have seen in decades. I don’t know if Joe has enough time or money to get a lot of play with it, but wow, it was good.
If there is an easy way to find and see ads like this, I wish I knew what it was. I’ve been trying to find it using Google with no luck at all. Nothing on his website or facebook page.
If anybody has a URL, I’d like to see the ad for myself.
I wish that some organization would provide an archival resource of every ad produced by every candidate.
You can watch it here.
I appreciate the link.
That is indeed an awesome political ad. Wow.
Sorry for not linking in my comment.
It is brutal. It may not work for Biden, but, if Pete is the nominee, the GOP attack will be of this type times 1000.
If there is one thing I would say is an actual truth in politics it is that voters respond to power. The perception of power can come in lots of forms for different people, but people don’t support someone they think is weak. Pete will be made to look very small and weak in a general, and expressing strength, even if many see through the facade, is Trump’s greatest political skill.
Circular firing squad?
In my 60 years as a Democratic activist/organizer, this Joe Biden ad is one of the most,powerful, informative, memorable compare and contrast ads I have ever seen.
This is a Joe Biden digital ad. We have to get it up on TV.
But cut it down to its positive parts. I found the swipes at Mayor Pete to be beneath Biden.
The swipes at Pete Buttitgieg are kitten’s paws compared to what the GOP will bring in the main event.
I know, but I’d rather save that for the GOP.
A purpose of rehearsals — of anything — is to identify and resolve unrecognized problems and failures in a limited setting. Stage directions that can’t be followed, dialogue that seems fine when read and comes off as stilted and stiff on the stage, and in some cases actors who are revealed as completely unsuited for their roles.
On Tuesday night, February 3, 2020, the entire world saw the results of either not testing (because a rehearsal is a form of test) or of ignoring the results of such tests.
Pete Buttigieg is not ready for prime time. In comparison to the other candidates, he is vulnerable to this kind of attack. The party benefits from exposing that vulnerability now. Joe Biden is arguably among the weakest of the leaders. If a weak candidate is able to so effectively shred Mr. Buttigieg, how will Mr. Buttigieg stand up to an attack from a strong candidate?
Like it or not, we are in a cultural war. We cannot afford to wait until the crucial battle to discover fatal weaknesses in our nominee.
“Saving it for the GOP” ensures the GOP has the advantage. You gotta survive some friendly fire if you want to make it to the big show. Also wicked tame compared to the Hillary attack ads against Obama, which ended up doing next to no damage and did not stop her from being a valued partner in his administration.
Why shouldn’t my friend Sumbul Siddiqui or Joe Curtatone run the country while we’re at it? Their similar sized college town cities are far more diverse than South Bend and are doing much better in most metrics (other than affordability). Or Marty Walsh for that matter who governs a college town six times the size of South Bend. Amy was right about this, Pete lost his only statewide race and won a fairly blue city. I like Pete, but I don’t buy his hype.
Remember, I’m the guy supporting Biden based on experience and as much as I enjoy listening to Mayor Pete my head still tells me South Bend to the WH is a bit of a jump. I just think Biden can make that case without putting down other candidates. Plus I don’t want the GOP to get any ideas and I certainly don’t want their ads if Pete ends up being our nominee to be able to say, “Even Joe Biden said that…”