“Frankly, with all the respect in the world for Iowa and New Hampshire, I’m not counting Joe Biden out. There are still races ahead that are much more representative of the country.” Speaker Nancy Pelosi
While not an endorsement, it feels like a lifeline to Joe. Maybe to caution us not to prematurely dismiss Biden out of hand like the media has done.
Pelosi worked with Joe to get the Affordable Care Act passed into law by Congress in 2010 — she was the lead in the House as Speaker and Joe carried the ball in the Senate.
She trusts him to get things done and so do I.
Please share widely!
Harry Reid after early voting in the Nevada caucus today : “People should not be counting Joe Biden out of the race yet. Iowa and New Hampshire are not representative of the country. He’s going to do well in Nevada, he’s going to do extremely well in South Carolina.”
The former Senate Majority Leader is responsible for getting Nevada moved up on the calendar with its large Latino vote.
I am not counting Biden out yet depending on what happens in NV and SC, but we should all look at Iowa and NH and worry that Biden’s campaign is really ill-prepared to do the work it needs to do. A popular VP should not have a campaign with a mostly nonexistent ground game in early states.
I think Pelosi’s remark is salutary and might apply to any of the top 4 plus Bloomberg.
(Still it is astonishing to me how weak and, in some cases, unqualified the so-called “centrist” candidates are. And I shudder at the thought of Bloomberg buying the nomination.)
Peop[e in the grip of campaign kool-aid or old-fashioned impatience should consider that the process is designed to be drawn out and uncertain. We may even look back at the NH primary in this cycle and observe that some of the candidates peaked too soon there.
Yet she chose to say it about Biden. I wonder why? Is she someone who speaks willy-nilly?