“Because it was a courteous thing to do considering the alternatives. It was such a dirty speech.” Speaker Nancy Pelosi when asked why she ripped up Trump’s speech on national television
Bravo Madam Speaker. In that one brave act of defiance to the Fascist dictator you gave hope to millions of your fellow Americans.
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Pelosi umping up to cheer for Guaido was a more accurate image of Pelosi and this administration. She agrees with them on many things and is willing to help on many – like the trade deal and the massive military budget (all passed by the Dem house in the past two months).
The vast majority of Democrats in Congress, including Pelosi, are collaborators. We DO NOT have an opposition party.
The very moment the Queen of Shade tore up the Orange Fornicator’s vile bile will go down in history as a great act of patriotic courage in the face of evil.
No it won’t.
Evil that she helped give a bad trade deal to. Evil that she helped give a massive military budget with no strings to. Evil that she will make easy deals with on the debt ceiling instead of holding him accountable.