Joe Biden speaks on Corona virus pandemic
On Thursday, March 12 2020, Joe Biden reminded us of how a President behaves in a crisis. He was calm, measured, specific, and concrete. He laid out the urgent and immediate steps we must take right now. It is well worth taking twenty minutes to watch and hear (Editors: A video embed would be appreciated
There were no distractions from his focused message. There were no forays into xenophobia, ignorance, or ideological purity. There were no fusillades against evil capitalists or deplorable racists.
There was an emphasis on the importance of science, data, and expertise.
There was a rejection of mob rule by thugs with an “adversarial relationship to the truth”.
I cannot remember a time when the entire world has more at stake from a choice that each and every voter must make.
We MUST make this man our President in November.
In unity there is strength ! Now, I know the good guys are going to win this fight. Thank you, Tom !
He may well be the man for the moment. It’s unlikely any other figure could unite the party so quickly and decisively (people forget he’s the second choice of most Bernie voters and vice versa) or reframe the tone of the election. A steady hand and competency might be less sexy than the transformative change younger voters like myself crave, but we cannot create a country where pursuing happiness is easier for working America if thousands of working Americans die preventable deaths. Securing the country from this pandemic, restoring our credibility abroad, and restoring common decency to governance are necessary building blocks for the progressive change we want. It’s time to send in Biden to clean up Trumps mess so we can rebuild our future.
Where have I heard that before…?
Oh, yeah.
When it was time to send in Obama–let’s give him a presumptive Nobel Prize–to clean up Dubya’s mess so we can rebuild our future.
And so we did. And will do again. In fact, we’ll do it as many times as it takes…
But it would, in general, be much easier if the deplorables could be made to understand that they’re not really entitled to empower a worse and worse mess in response each and every time, just because FU… It’s getting both predictable and exhausting.
Absolutely. Biden can take the reins until the emergency is over and normalcy is restored and then hand power back to the grassroots of the party in an open contest in 2024. Like the Roman consuls, an elder statesmen who comes in, cleans house, and goes home.
Since Biden is in the process of being chosen by the voters to be the nominee I’m not sure why you sound as though Biden and the grassroots are different things. I’ve long thought either Biden or Sanders would put people at ease by pledging to be one-termers, but there are downsides to making yourself an instant lame duck too.
I agree with Christopher’s comment — the grassroots of the Democratic Party are overwhelmingly choosing Joe Biden. This was not a closed contest. I do not expect Mr. Biden to step down in 2024 unless he is medically unable to continue.
We’ve had just one President voluntarily choose to not run for re-election — LBJ in 1968. The result of that decision is not, in my opinion, evidence that Mr. Biden should repeat it.
The grassroots of this party are more conservative than white college-educated professionals seem to admit. It takes generations and decades to move a culture, and we’ve just begun.
Maybe this is the beginning of better things deeply buried under a terrible snow.
“The least we can do for every grocery and retail worker working around the clock during this crisis is to provide a $15 minimum wage, paid sick leave, and strong workplace protections.” Joe Biden
Even better is a $1,500 check mailed every other week to every adult American, and a $750 check mailed to every child.