I just watched Joe Biden outline his battle plan (joebiden.com/covid19) to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The summary:
- Restoring trust, credibility and common purpose
- Mounting an effective national emergency response that saves lives, protects frontline workers and minimizes the spread on COVID-19
- Eliminating cost barriers for prevention of and care for COVID-19
- Pursuing decisive economic measures to help hard-hit workers, families and small businesses and to stabilize the American economy
- Rallying the world to confront this crisis while laying the foundation for the future. This is how a real leader acts and sounds in a national emergency.
Please share widely!
Where’s the part about covering the 10 million Americans that his health care plan leaves uncovered?
The Biden COVID-19 plan :
Mobile drive thru test facilities
Creation of temporary hospital facilities
Free testing and treatment
Coordination among local, state and federal governments and agencies
Free, widely available vaccine when possible
Restoration of the Pandemic Response Team that Trump cut
Oversight on spending to combat the virus
Immediate economic steps to stabilize economy and help those who live paycheck to paycheck. No tax cuts or subsidies.
Step by step layout of populations that need help to eat, get education, maintain homes
Paid sick leave during emergency
State and local emergency fund to combat each state’s unique issues
Look beyond borders and engage rest of world. Lead a coordinated global response
Is this the plan that Biden put together with Nelson Mandela when he was breaking Mandela out of jail?
“Everyone watching this is thinking they’d give anything to have Biden take over today.” Jennifer Rubin
No, it’s the Biden plan that’s making tRump look like an unserious clown. Elie Mystal
How do you like those apples?
“This is better than any ad or rally. Someone’s presidenting, right in our president-starved faces.” Cindy McLenna is a Warren Democrat voting blue
“Arguably the best speech of Biden’s career. Pitch-perfect tone. Not the slightest hesitation or gaffe. Complete persuasive substance, with perfect occasional insertion of higher purpose and American might and values and compassion. Dead-on criticism of Trump with zero snark.” Harry Litman
The largest labor union in the U.S. — the National Education Association 3 million-member teachers union — endorsed Joe Biden today ahead of Super Tuesday III.