Reading a timely book on Churchill’s leadership during the Blitz. Some qualities of leadership he demonstrated included honesty, thinking ahead, and asking for help. His speeches were always based on facts. When they were losing the war, he was honest about it and told the British people what to expect (blood, toil, and tears). He did not downplay the reality they were facing or make overly optimistic promises. He planned ahead by making sure every UK citizen had a gas mask and knew how to shelter in place *before* Germany could deploy planes capable of reaching Britain. He was unafraid to ask for and accept foreign assistance. These are just a few lessons of leadership from an admittedly flawed man who stepped up when Britain really needed him. Lessons for today’s leaders that our present reality is neither a drill nor a show.
Lessons from Churchill
Please share widely!
Good points. Obviously the Trump admin response has been a full catastrophe. And yet, polling shows that people support Trump’s handling by 55-40. Those numbers seem outrageous but I think some sense can be made. Some states and local governments are filling the void of the federal government and stepping up and people might credit those actions to Trump. Also, importantly, for all his obvious and huge faults, Trump expresses strength. He will lie through every press conference, overpromise, and say they are doing a great job. Many people believe the expression of strength, even if it is fake. The press is failing roundly as one reporter asks a tough question and Trump craps on that reporter and moves to the next and the next reporter moves on to a new topic instead of holding power to account.
Another reason the polling may be so favorable is that there is not a unified and strong opposition or alternative version of leadership at the national level. Nancy Pelosi is openly handwringing about means-tested responses and an unwillingness to help large companies without strings attached nor force them to do certain things. Thankfully, stronger leaders like Maxine Waters have released solid and broad proposals to get cash in people’s hands right away, pause things like interest collection and rents, and ultimately get on our way to responding to this crisis in some way that might approach the level of this crisis. Others, like Warren and Sanders have also pushed the ball forward on more appropriate levels of payments and progressive strings to prevent a repeat of failed industry bailouts. Even Ed Markey is doing better, proposing $4600 per family and other supports. Pelosi and Schumer are still failing badly here.
And there is another big failure in Dem leadership. Joe Biden is literally MIA. Seriously, where is he? The presumptive nominee and de facto leader of the entire party hasn’t been around. He did an awkward online video almost three days ago (and we’re supposed to give him a pass for not yet understanding new media when one of his jobs has been to speak in front of cameras for the last 40 years). He held a telephone press conference in which:
He could be on every cable channel or network news program every day if he wanted. He can broadcast his own speeches or roundtables with almost no effort (Sanders is doing these – fireside chats and roundtables with public health experts). WHERE IS HE?????
Instead, the campaign is tweeting out snipes at Trump at 9pm on Friday night, so that any statements get no press coverage.
It’s simply pathetic. Joe Biden is showing that he isn’t the man for the moment.
Where is the comforting presence? Where is the clear contrast between him and Trump? Where are the plans that rise to the level of this crisis? Where is the organization of experts who could show an example of what an administration could look like?
This is what we are getting from the campaign just a day ago:
That’s his leadership.
This primary is over and Biden is the pick, but everything I’m seeing makes me think that he will lose to Trump, even with this crisis ongoing. It seems unfathomable but I think this is what we get with Biden.
I never would have thought I would say this, but the party should pick someone else at the convention. I know it ain’t gonna be Bernie, nor should it be. But we really can’t trust Biden to get it done.
Biden Derangement Syndrome at its finest! MIA-really? He’s the most presidential out there and showing as much leadership as one can without having any actual power at the moment.
Yes, MIA. In the past week, which included three big primary wins, Biden has given one public appearance on video, and it was bad and made him look like he didn’t know where he was. The other public activity from Biden this week was a telephone press conference where he expressed a desire to figure out a way to speak directly to the country by Monday. He is not even in the public discussion about the response and how payments and protections need to get to families immediately. He has seen the failures of so many of our systems and not changed positions on major issues, especially the approach to health care. If we needed a good example of why health care should never be tied to employment, we now have proof that is stronger than we could have imagined.
Meanwhile, the other guy running has held a fireside chat that was announced basically the same day and had a million viewers. He held a streaming event with experts on a COVID response. He is pushing the conversation on expanding the size of payments to families (and keeping programs universal) as well as other protections. And he’s shifted his fundraising and using his email list for direct COVID response, in which the campaign has raised $2M in two days.
Biden can learn from now Bernie directly communicates with his supporters. It’s a great asset and one FDR used to great effect. Also Trump gets to look smart by osmosis standing every day next to real experts like Dr. Fauci. Even Mike Pompeo and Mike Pence look good in those conferences and that makes Trump look better. It’s all about the show for him and how to manipulate the TV audience. I do think he is over promising, spreading falsehoods, and not accepting foreign help and this will bite him in the end. But Biden needs to be out there like a shadow president.
If politics of the last 5 years have shown us much of anything it is that the ability to get press and control a narrative matters more than anything else. It beats donors, volunteers, door-knocking, ads, whatever.
Biden is not going to win this race, even in a massive recession and daily bungling by Trump, if he cannot make news and control a story. His ability to not do that during the time when he is needed most terrifies me.
He is not leading right now. His supporters should stop faking that he is.
Last polls I’ve seen do have him beating Trump.
If anything it seems to me that Trump looks worse by comparison when surrounded by people who know what they are talking about. Also, we know communication is not Biden’s forte so I’m not sure that’s the best direction to push from.
Right on cue…
Thanks Christopher. This video with Ron Klainis excellent, and he knows what he is talking about unlike Trump.
Joe looks different.
Biden’s Speech last week and his debate performance were solid. I agree he could have done much more this past week and needs to be more visible on TV and dogging Trump. Pelosi and Schumer should just let the more policy oriented members of their caucus come up with a package and push that through. Both are reliable vote counters and caucus wranglers, what they are not are good authors of legislation.
This is why Trump is doomed if there is a free and fair election. By Election Day, enough of those who voted for him will know that they are being lied to, not only the broader public. Great post.
What about that section of the public that knows… and has always known… that Trump is lying to them? What about that section of the public that thinks lying to the public is part and parcel of a politicians precis? What will you do when they vote for him again, despite the clear and certain knowledge of his prevarication?
It is not Trump that broke politics: That politics is broken has allowed Trump. After Trump is gone, politics will continue to be broken until it is fixed. How that will happen, I have no idea… but I do know it will have very little to do with Trumps doom, however inevitable that is…