The state party has posted the number of delegates per CD per candidate to be elected at caucuses to be held at 1PM on Saturday April 25th. More information for anyone who wants to get into the weeds regarding how these numbers were calculated is on the state party website. Locations have not been posted, but there will be three per CD as the same three candidates qualified in each one. Here are the topline numbers along with gender:
CD1: Biden – 3 (MFM), Sanders 2 (FM), Warren 1 (F); no alternates
CD2: Each candidate gets a male and a female, plus Sanders gets a female alternate.
CD3: Each candidate gets a male and a female, plus Biden gets a male alternate.
CD4: Biden – 3 (FMF), Sanders 2 (MF), Warren 1 (M); Biden gets a female alternate.
CD5: Biden – 3 (MFM), Warren 3 (FMF), Sanders 2 (MF); Biden gets a male alternate.
CD6: Biden – 3 (FMF), Sanders 2 (MF), Warren 1 (M); Biden gets a female alternate.
CD7: Sanders – 3 (MFM), Warren 3 (FMF), Biden 2 (MF); Sanders gets a male alternate.
CD8: Biden – 3 (FMF), Sanders 2 (MF), Warren 2 (MF); Biden gets a female alternate.
CD9: Biden – 3 (MFM), Sanders 2 (FM), Warren 1 (F); Biden gets a male alternate.
TOTALS: Biden – 24 (+6 alternates); Sanders – 19 (+2 alternates); Warren – 16 (no alternates)
Not being facetious but wouldn’t those strict classifications and qualifications in some of those areas CD2, CD3, etc , make a non-binary person feel excluded from the process?
I believe the rules now allow for a non-binary person to stand in for either gender. What bugs me is that in cases where a candidate only gets one delegate one of the binary genders is definitely shut out. I think these days we should be able to get away with ditching gender requirements entirely and still likely come up with plenty of men and women.
Yes, the MassDems actually do have a policy for this, in which a non-binary person can fill in for either column — decided after the traditional columns M/F are filled, to keep balance.
I was actually impressed that they’d thought it through.