So, Covidiot wants us all to go back to work after coughing our way through packed Easter services. You know. Like the one the Pope cancelled due to the soaring corona virus.
But first, let’s do a little test. I want to see Donnie Doomsday and HIS family out there on the front line tomorrow, meeting and greeting HIS adoring minions. At a huuuuuuge MAGAT rally, wheezing up close and personal with his MAGAzis.
After you, El Supremo Chicken Hawk.
Please share widely!
I think a lot of us would like Easter to be a resurrection day more than ever this year even if intellectually we understand that may not happen.
True, but on the lighter side from a friend : “Trump wants to open up the nation by Easter because he clearly observes Christian holidays. For example, he gave up your grandparents for Lent.” 🙂
Sometimes, even in the face of tragedy, you just gotta laugh.
It has definitely been quite the Lent with our sacrifice decisions basically being made for us. You quote is an example of simultaneously inducing laughter and wondering whether that’s really funny.
One of my good friends is divorced and single in his mid-70s, Every few years he jokes that he’s giving up celibacy for Lent.
Wasn’t it Mark Twain who said everyone wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die?
My point was that if Trump is so gall darned anxious to send us all to heaven, he and his family should lead the way.
And if he really wanted to lock in re-election he could actually help lead through this crisis rather than posing.
Chicken Hawk Coward Trump is incapable of leadership.
That is, unless you call causing the projected death of between 1 and 2 million Americans through criminal negligence leadership.
HALF THE AMERICAN NATION WAITS WITH DREAD, hoping against hope that the other half (The Great Entranced) might finally be able to see the little, sad, frightened, terribly insecure man behind the curtain that we all see. I know that we have little reason to hope, yet some of us still do. Why? Because despite the manifest sins of this nation, we want to still believe in the America we once thought we could be. We don’t want to let the dream die. After all that has been, after all the maddening blindness that surrounds us at every stoplight, after all the cynicism and sarcasm thrown at us, we do not want to let the dream die.
Old dogs CAN be taught new tricks!
Ohio’s GOP Governor DeWine signed law today changing their April 28 primary to mail – in ballots.
Well, whaddaya know.
OH, has also jumped on the June 2nd bandwagon.
Joe Biden started to give our his private cell phone number to console family members of corona virus victims who died ; when he caught himself and realized he couldn’t comfort all those as the death toll keeps rising exponentially every day.
This was his natural human reaction tonight during a CNN Town Hall with Anderson Cooper when he took phone questions on the pandemic from all over the country.
He is a man of deep compassion for all those who are suffering.
The Monster nailed by Steven Beschloss : “I assume tRump wants to sign the coronavirus checks because he’s always thought writing a check is a way to shut someone up after he screws them.”
Nothing tests character like a crisis.
BLOTUS failed the test. Tragically, it’s going to cost millions of lives.
Hilary nailed it : “I’m the last thing standing between you and the apocalypse.” HRC, NYT October 2016
Now, the fake reality show prima donna is acting like the arsonist who demands credit as the fireman.
Lawrence O’Donnell on the way IMPotus disrespects the free press : “What kind of pathological liar lies about his lies to people who have video recordings of the lies he’s lying about and who actually read his previous lies to him word for word as he tries to lie about those lies ? “
@What kind of liar …?:
The kind of “pathological liar” who will use those on-air fact-checks as evidence to have his DoJ shut down the broadcasters and jail the journalists.
I don’t dispute that Mr. Trump is a liar (of course). I don’t see his behavior as inept, incompetent, or pathological. I see it instead as calculated and intentional.
This is a man who sincerely DOES want to be emperor for life. He’s not joking about that.
Contrast Covidiot to a real patriot : “The American people are generous, decent, good and fair. In times of crisis we come together as one. We look out for our neighbors and lend a hand to those in need. We will get through this together.” Joe Biden on 3/30/20