More than a year ago here on BMG I publicly pledged to support the nominee of the Democratic Party for president even if it wasn’t my preferred candidate, Joe Biden.
I have kept that pledge.
Now, Biden is the presumptive nominee as Bernie has withdrawn from the race.
There is only one man left standing to champion democratic humanity against the cancerous fascist apocalypse. And his name is Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr.
Our mission is clear. Defeat the Monster at all costs. Only Biden can win that mission now.
Either deal with it or step aside and stay out of our way while we save our country.
Please share widely!
“Joe Biden has no delusion about this nation’s past, but he knows who we can be at our best.”
Representative John Lewis (D-GA) on endorsing Joe Biden for president this week
Joe Biden won the Alaska Democratic presidential primary today claiming 8 of the 15 delegates by winning the popular vote 55% to 45% for Bernie Sanders.
I won’t ask people to deal with it or step aside, but ask them to join me in pushing Biden to embrace more progressive policies from inside his campaign. I think there is a brief window of opportunity to get Biden to embrace more progressive policies before the general election really heats up. I think the Covid Crisis makes previously radical ideas like full employment, public health care, and guaranteed income more palatable to the mainstream. Some Republicans are already outflanking the Democrats on those issues, it is time for Biden to lead.