Watch Senator Warren’s three minute endorsement video below of Joe Biden : “In this moment of crisis, it’s more important than ever that the next president restores Americans’ faith in good, effective government — and I’ve seen Joe Biden help our nation rebuild. Today, I’m proud to endorse my friend Joe Biden as President of the United States.”
I must confess that I wept while watching this video endorsement.
To Senator Warren :
When we first met many years ago for the Labor Day breakfast at the Park Plaza hotel, I had a chance to speak with you privately before you addressed the overflow crowd of union representatives. What immediately struck me in that first conversation was your interest to get to know me and how my politics had been inspired by my internship with Senator Ted Kennedy — whose seat you were running for.
At the end of that conversation I told you that I believed that like the “Lion of the Senate”, I believed you were a fighter and that you would fill Ted’s shoes and become the “Lioness of the Senate.”
I was right.
Another great video package. I actually think this was better than the Obama video. Here’s the link for people who want to see it:
I wonder if it were intentional that she talked about Biden coming to Boston on the one-year anniversary of the marathon bombing and released this on the seven-year anniversary of the same.
I would not be surprised to learn that Senator Warren’s endorsement timing WAS intentional because….
SMART people always have a plan for EVERYTHING they say and do. 🙂
“We are in a battle for the soul of this nation and I’m proud to have the fiercest of fighters, Senator Elizabeth Warren, on my side. With her help, we’re going to beat Donald Trump and create a government that works for everyone — not just the wealthy and well-connected. Let’s do this.” Vice President Joe Biden
Today on MSNBC Joy Reid, Senator Warren hit Trump for trying to turn a health crisis into a political rally for himself with “the wrong kind of leadership that puts lives at risk and undermines the very strength of this country.”