Joe Biden’s new TV ad (text below and watch video attached by Anthony Guardia) is one of the most powerful indictments against a sitting president I’ve seen in 60 years.
He failed to act so now Trump and his allies are launching negative attack ads against Joe Biden to hide the truth. Here are the facts. Joe Biden warned the nation in January that Trump had left us unprepared for a pandemic. Then Biden told Trump he should insist on having American health experts on the ground in China : “I would be on the phone with China and making it clear, we are going to need to be on the ground in your country. You have to be open. You have to be clear. We have to know what’s going on.”
But Trump rolled over for the Chinese. He took their word for it. The President tweeted: “China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The US greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. China — I spoke with President Xi. And they’re working very, very hard and I think it’s gonna all work out fine.”
Trump praised the Chinese 15 times in January and February as the coronavirus spread across the world : “It’s a tough situation, I think they’re doing a very good job.”
Trump never got a CDC team on the ground in China. And the travel ban he brags about? Trump let in 40,000 travelers from China into America after he signed it. Not exactly airtight.
Look around, 22 million Americans are out of work. And we have more officially reported cases and deaths than any other country. Donald Trump left this country unprepared and unprotected for the worst public health and economic crisis in our lifetime. And now we’re paying the price.
All the negative ads in the world can’t change the truth.
Chock full of anti-Chinese racism. It’s like a Republican made the ad.
There is nothing racist about it. Racist is assuming everyone who looks Asian is carrying it. Are you seriously going to criticize Biden more than Trump? Your derangement syndrome is getting increasingly obnoxious!
I think it’s important to watch the new piece before talking about it.
This is a knee-jerk never-Biden response. It’s like a Trumpist commented on the ad.
The virus DID originate in Wuhan, China. It DID spread throughout China before the Chinese government admitted that it existed. It is not “anti-Chinese racism” to acknowledge that Donald Trump DID say all the things this ad accuses him of. It is not “anti-Chinese” racism to call out the stark dissonance between what Mr. Trump was saying and what was happening.
Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee. Cheap shots and cynical attacks like this on Joe Biden are not going to help remove Donald Trump and the Trumpists from power.
I think Biden’s ad team has been hitting it out the park. It’s an incredible piece. Here’s the link:
” Your assertions, denials, allegations, & claims all ring hollow in light of your lifelong record of lies, dishonesty, & willful misrepresentations.” John Brennan re: Hair Furor