The video address from Queen Elisabeth:
A message of unity and strength unlike anything from our leaders. And Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who continues to not be well, is now in hospital.
In such dire times, people naturally look for leaders – not just for comfort, but for direction. One message we conspicuously don’t hear is that of unity – that we’re all in this together.
Especially on hard times, the United States has a duty to provide true leadership in a world where countries lacking our means and infrastructure need help.
We’re ourselves stretched, struggle providing care to our own citizens in need. It’s not a reason to turn inward. We forget that others look up to us.
We are on track to repeat the Great Depression of 1929-1933. And we are repeating the isolationist US policy that made that Great Depression worse.
Except the world is a lot more interconnected than it ever was, and our economic well being – our jobs, and livelihood – depend on the whole world doing well and being prosperous.