Seven Biden At-Large Male Delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin were elected today by Massachusetts Democratic State Committee members . They are listed below next to their vote tally:
- Julian Cyr 217
- Justin Hurst 194
- Thomas Ashe 179
- Patrick Kearney 166
- John Kerry 141
- Terence McGinty 137
- Robert Cassidy 119 I will try to update this post as new election results come in. Congratulations to all the candidates !
Please share widely!
You beat me to it! Full results can be found here. Congratulations in particular to our own Terry McGinty. I’m also glad that democracy prevailed and (with all due respect to the campaigns who hammered out an agreement) we retained our prerogatives to actually vote for our preferred delegates in a contested election..
Thank you Christopher. Really appreciate it. Thank you for all of your work on the state committee.
I want to make a quick comment here about why Fred’s friends love him so much. Terry was not going to run for delegate, unsure how the process worked he assumed it was for people who were much more connected than he was. Fred relentlessly encouraged him. When Terry lost at the district level, Fred didn’t stop, and pushed him to run at large. Terry was hesitant, but after some of Fred’s unique encouragement, he agreed. Terry ran and won.
This would be only slightly endearing if it was a one-time occurrence. Fred has pushed Katherine Clark, Mike Festa, Mike Lake, Greg Liakos, Terry, and many, many others to run and keep running no matter the odds. So congratulations Terry, and Fred, another “score!” for your candidates!
Someone said friendship isn’t about whom you have known the longest, it’s about those who came and never left your side.
I love you, Anthony, for making me weep tears of gratitude for having such amazing friends in these difficult times.
Every word that Anthony Guardia said here about Fred Rich LaRiccia is true. The only thing I would add is that there are far more folks who have gotten involved in politics both in Wakefield and far afield in other states and jurisdictions also who were prodded and cajoled by Fred, when necessary, to encourage them along once they expressed interest in politics (and also activism in general).
Some names that come to mind immediately include Anthony Guardia himself, who became the youngest member ever to be elected to the Wakefield school committee; Alexandra Chandler, who became the first trans person to wage a competitive race for the United States Congress in Massachusetts; Mike Festa, who became one of the most respected state representatives in Massachusetts and later the Secretary of Elder affairs in the Patrick administration, and who is now the head of the Massachusetts AARP; and many many other local officials and activists.
What do they all have in common? To my knowledge, not one has ever been involved in any scandal of any kind involving graft, and each and every one of them fit into putting into concrete action Fred’s view of history, which is a progressive vision of human progress based on rationalism, humanism, working to make FDR’s Four Freedoms a reality, and democratic constitutional government based on the consent of the governed, and minority rights.
“We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American eagle in order to feather their own nests.” FDR’s Annual Message to Congress on the State of the Union January 6, 1941
I thank you for your kind words, Terry.