As the people of France starved to death, they appealed to their leaders for bread. The queen, Marie Antoinette, infamously replied : “Let them eat cake!” Now, to appreciate the context of that slap in the face to the poor; only the rich could afford to eat cake.
So, the poor started a revolution by cutting off the heads of the aristocrats.
In our time, Kakistocrat Trump’s response to 100,000 COVID deaths is to play golf.
It is especially galling to Gold Star families like mine as we prepare to honor our fallen heroes tomorrow that we will have to suffer the sight of the Bonespur Gutless Coward lay a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
We can’t cut off their heads, but we CAN vote! In these times, voting is a revolutionary act.
The Bonespur Gutless Coward said that his Vietnam was not getting an STD. May he burn in hell forever.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK
Question of the day: How can we expect people to understand the difference between Trump and Biden when many don’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?