CNBC reports that sources close to Mike Bloomberg say he plans to spend in excess of $250,000,000 to support Joe Biden. And that doesn’t include what he could give toward assisting congressional Democrats.
The Diaper Drumpf and his Crooked Cabal Puke Death Cult must be shitting themselves!
Please share widely!
He promised to keep his campaign staff working and paid through November. He dismantled the team weeks after he dropped out. He’s being sued by staff now.
He also previously spent about $900M on his own campaign and was obliterated in about 12 minutes by Elizabeth Warren.
So . . .
1. he can’t be trusted
2. will $250M even matter?
and, don’t forget 3. is there an exchange for this support?
1. the Fuhrer will spend $1,000,000,000 BILLION to defeat Biden, so we are not in a position to look a gift horse in the mouth
2. $250,000,000 matter to help elect the poorest guy in the US Senate? Seriously?
3. So what if he’d like to be Treasury Secretary ? I mean, Lincoln appointed his rival, Salmon Chase to the job and another rival, William Seward, as Secretary of State.
It’s called politics. đŸ™‚
RE; item 2: I mean, after Biden’s son got brain cancer, Joe told President Obama he was going to sell his modest home to help pay Beau’s medical bills.
Obama begged him NOT to sell his home and said he would give him the money to help Beau.
That’s a true story. And it still makes me weep every time I think of their deep friendship.
I know this story. I don’t know what it has to do with campaign spending.
People repeat this story as a testament to Biden’s deep commitment to health care.
If this is a story that pulls heart strings and lends credibility on health care, maybe this guy should support a system that means no family has to go through that pain. But here we are with a candidate that still has a horrible plan for health care in the midst of the worst health care and economic crisis we’ve ever seen.
At the risk of dragging down the level of discourse, I should point out that the suggestion that Biden will sell cabinet seats to donors got two likes and a smiley face.
Nobody suggested that, but thanks for playing.
As they say in the police shows, Fred named the act and the price. Would this mean everyone will have to pretend Bloomberg’s accusers are liars?
I have little sympathy for those campaign workers, many of whom were volunteering for Bloombergs opponents on the side. It was unrealistic to expect a campaign job to continue after the campaign, and speaking from experience, no campaign job I ever worked on had 60k base salaries and catered meals. I was lucky to feed myself and pay for rent and health care when I worked on campaigns. No other campaign in history paid so lavishly and did so poorly. They were mercenaries who lost the war.
Can you back up the part about volunteering for others on the side? I think they were mostly naive.