Joe Biden comforted the nation yesterday with a filmed national in-person empathetic eulogy telling those who have lost someone to COVID that: “based on experience I pray that the day will come when the thought of your lost loved one will bring a smile to your lips before a tear to your eye.”
This was the eulogy that Trump was incapable of giving because he lacks empathy for the suffering of others. But he did have his deputy press secretary issue a perfunctory paper statement acknowledging that the 100,000 deaths were 10 to 15 times lower than what was projected.
Maybe this has something to do with Trump’s precipitous drop in his own internal polling? On top of his FOX numbers tanking last week, yesterday Trump’s favorite Rasmussen approval numbers fell to 42% while disapproval jumped to 57%. Even in solid RED states like Utah?, Real Clear Politics report that Biden has risen to within striking distance at 41% to Trump’s 44% — within the margin of error.
Added to that are the new unemployment numbers out today showing 2.1 million Americans lost their jobs last week bringing the 10-week total to more than 40 million Americans without work to support their families and put food on the table.
Way to go, Donny Bodybags.
Don’t boo. VOTE!
His numbers should be -50 or worse. It is very scary that they are not.
Been saying that since the moment he descended the golden escalator!
Negative partisanship is a powerful and toxic motivator. Along with preserving white male supremacy.
Biden laid out his case in a single tweet.
To see a giant supposed democracy brought to its knees by the self-centeredness bordering on madness of one man (in his failure to step back and advocate for the the well-documented successful scientific approaches of South Korea and Taiwan) is something to behold.
Closer to home, the Bangor Daily News is reporting that Maine Senator Susan Collins is trailing House Speaker Sara Gideon 51% to 42%. Gideon is winning 20+ among women and 7 points among independents.