A big problem with our society is we lack patience and long term thinking. My own feelings about this pandemic have risen and fallen with my wife’s feelings as someone way closer to the front lines of this fight. I wish we had leaders willing to say we are winning and the virus is losing, and thank the American people for their shared sacrifices that have turned the tide, but also remind them that just as the Germans pushed back at the Battle of the Bulge the virus can push back with a second wave. Now is neither the time to let up nor a time to despair. Not only can we beat this thing, we are beating this thing, but it will take more time and more sacrifice. Previous generations of Americans have had the courage to make far greater sacrifices, something we should remember this Memorial Day. 100,000 of our fellow citizens already have. Let their sacrifice continue to inspire our own as we stay home for a little while longer and do our part to crush Covid.
We Need More Cautious Optimism
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pogo says
I see the essential problem to be a lack of trust Americans have in our critical institutions, govt in particular. We’ve been digging ourselves into this hole since the 60’s and haven’t stopped. Tow obvious solutions: The elites have got to stop lying–Vietnam, Watergate, Weapons of Mass Destruction, electing a pathological liar as Prescribed; and the people have got to take more responsibilities in accepting the obligations of citizenship and not exclusively focus on the narcissism of rights.
So much more easier said than done.