Prouder than ever today to be an elected Biden delegate to the Democratic National Convention this year, whether in-person or virtual.
Yesterday’s Biden speech was the best he has ever given – listen right here.
It makes clearer than ever that the propaganda pushed by Trump fanatics and Russian intelligence bots out there trying to say that Biden is old and out of it, is totally fabricated and as Joe would say, ‘complete malarkey’.
Please share widely!
Scratch presumptive. Joe Biden is now THE Democratic nominee for president after winning 1991 pledged delegates including our own Terry McGinty!
I know it’s a nit, but I think Mr. Biden is not “THE” nominee until the Democratic Convention actually nominates him. That hasn’t happened yet.
Just saying. 🙂
Maybe we should do like the Royal Family does for would-be heirs and go from Nominee Presumptive to Nominee Apparent:)
“I’m once again asking every American who feels knocked down, counted out, and left behind, to join our campaign. Because we aren’t just building the movement that will defeat Donald Trump, we are building the movement that will transform our nation…we will rise stronger than before.” Joe Biden
Nancy Pelosi was asked if she’s embarrassed the KKK were once members of the Democratic Party. “Of course. We’re embarrassed Donald Trump was a Democrat for similar reasons.” Biden_Brigade
“We are down with NDP! Nancy D’Alesandro Pelosi!” @ Rep Jeffries