Hello BMG. I haven’t been on here in a while, but I wanted to take a moment to discuss the Fourth Congressional District race. Also, for those who may be new here, this is my personal endorsement, not an official word from the Mermell campaign (where I have volunteered a little).
I first met Jesse in 2002 (yikes, that seems hard to believe, but it’s true), when she was managing the reelection campaign of State Senator Pam Resor. Resor’s reelection was not a sure thing, but she won, and Jesse ran a professional operation. In 2007, she became the youngest person ever elected to the Brookline Board of Selectmen. She served for six years there, then became Communications Director for Governor Patrick and led his Strong Women Strong Families initiative.
She also served as State Director of the Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired, and until last September, when she stepped down to run for Congress, she was President of the Alliance for Business Leadership, an association of progressive business leaders.
As you may know, she was running for this seat the last time it opened up, but Joe Kennedy entered the race, making it impossible. (It would be a little ironic if Joe lost to Markey and Jesse got Joe’s seat.)
This year — and this is good news, given current trends — the field is broad and strong. But there is only one candidate who has experience, a long record of fighting for progressive causes, and youth. Yes I think youth matters.
Jesse Mermell is exactly the sort of person we should be sending to Congress. I know that a long commitment to the Democratic Party is not going to swing this election, but I’d be happy if it did. Elected or unelected, Jesse has served the Democratic Party and Democratic causes for her entire adult life. Her friendship with Ayanna Pressley is well known, but her tireless commitment to that amazing win (which, lest we forget, was considered a longshot at the beginning) is perhaps less well known.
She’s got policy background, a communications background, and a lot of time on the actual ground working for the people of the district.
Like I said, this is a solid field, and this race will be tight. A few of the other candidates have done considerable self-funding, but Jesse’s campaign has been purely grassroots. I would encourage everyone to learn more about Jesse here.
And if you’re moved to donate, you can do so here.
The Fourth Congressional District has several good choices, but Jesse stands out. The voters have a chance to choose someone who’s in for the long fight, has never wavered from her core issues, and is young enough to scare the opposition. I hope they take that chance and nominate Jesse Mermell.
I first got to know her when she was Executive Director of Young Democrats of Massachusetts. It’s good that someone diaried this race. Time was a race this hotly contested would have been all over BMG.
I think she’s a good choice. I think many of the candidates are pretty good, except Jake Auchincloss, although that kind of faux progressive with a strong family legacy might be the most fitting replacement to Kennedy. It would be a shame if he’s able to pull this out. I’ve donated because other candidates need it when he’s able to come in with a family Super PAC.
The Globe turned me off to Auchincloss, with their piece called “I have seen the future, and …” which, in case someone doesn’t know, alludes to a famous Jon Landau line about Bruce Springsteen. It’s probably not fair to take that out on Auchincloss, but it put me off.
I don’t trust 32 year old white guys who used to run narcotics operations for the Marines in Panama, run for office right out of business school, and don’t support Medicare for All, all while claiming to be progressive.
And here’s his reason for running, excuse me while I vomit. Ahistorical platitude salad.
He’s just like Moulton. Just like Mayo Pete. But with a much richer family.
What’s wrong with that argument for running for office? Are we really going to hold military service against candidates now? Pete would make a fine statewide candidate in Indiana and a great way to grow the party. Auchincloss is a better fit for the district and has gotten the most support from the South Coast. Brookline activists are great, but they are not the only voters who count in the 4th.
But also he’s new to me, and Jesse’s long record would have swayed me even if I thought the Globe was right.
Game on, Globe.
We’ll see who has more credibility with the voters of the Fourth Congressional. I lived in Newton for two years …
The district is bigger than Newton and Brookline. Who can win the south coast? I think Jake can.
Also I agree with Greg Denis that this district is a great argument for ranked choice. I have my sympathies with Jake, but it would be a shame if the winner wins with 12% of the vote.
I just realized this got bumped. Thanks Charley.
Shirley Leung is on board for Jesse.
Sort of interesting that Shirley, instead of just praising Jesse, went after her bosses directly.
Brings to mind the time Joe Kennedy II was endorsed by the Globe’s “editorial board” which turned out to be Marty Nolan overruling everyone else. That kind of leaked out before the election.
Leung portrays Mermell as very business friendly. I’m not sure if her endorsement really taps into this year’s zeitgeist.
Well, Jesse ran a business group, but it was specifically a group of progressive business leaders. The kind of thing I’d like to see more of.
No argument here. I’m commenting strictly as an observer from a different district.