My brother is a moderate who loves Charlie Baker and originally liked Hickenlooper in the primary. I’m a progressive who gave money to Warren and voted for Bernie. We both kept texting each other fire emojis throughout the speech and FaceTimed about it this morning. A man who wanted no signs on his house has now ordered a batch of Biden/Harris signs for his front yard and bumper stickers for his truck. He’s also become a political donor for the first time in his life. This is in a neighborhood where Trump signs and Blue Lives Matter flags are the norm.
This is because the themes of light and darkness resonated with us, hard core Star Wars fans and men of faith, who in our own way, see real evil at work in our country and want it stopped in its tracks. Biden made the case for science, reason, and faith to come together to bring us out of the four crises of Covid, climate, racism, and economic catastrophe. He will do this while restoring our tarnished flag at home and abroad. As Kamala Harris asked in her great speech, what did you do? It’s time for us to act.
Also you want a guy quoting Seamus Heaney or a guy paying off Stormy Daniels? No contest.
I’m kind of excited at the prospect of an electorate that has just experienced what comes close to an authoritative right wing fringe group of criminals running the nation, many of whom are in jail even now, and the possibility that they will push for more of these individuals, including the president, to be charged with crimes, tried, convicted, and incarcerated.
I also hold onto a sliver of hope that this electorate will not shy from returning our nation back to its center, the place we occupied in the period of 1940-1970, where labor had a voice in how we govern…or is that too much to ask for?
Today’s Trumpist GOP is the outcome and fruit of the lies we began telling ourselves beginning with the Reagan era. Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and Lindsay Graham are the adult versions of Alex Keaton.
We can perhaps hope that we reclaim the best aspects of the period of prosperity that preceded it, while preserving the gains we’ve made in civil rights and diversity.