Stick a fork in him — he’s done.
Calling on his cult members to start a civil war for him by inciting domestic terrorism at the polls — “stand by”– just lost him more women, suburbs and independents.
He’s a weak, ,boorish, rude, obnoxious, destructive, out-of-control, disastrous, un-American gutless coward, traitorous, tax cheat, lying loser.
But enough about Bunker Baby’s presidency. How was the debate?
Please share widely!
Obama to Biden : Did you take the high road like I told you?
Biden to Obama : I told him to shut up.
Goodnight y’all. I gotta get up early to go down to the creek to look for my ballot. Wanda Sykes
Shut up you lying fool of a clown.
Steroids make you feel so good you can walk yourself to the morgue.