Please make the case that I am wrong.
I have little doubt that someone who frequently writes here will try. Go ahead, obfuscate the evident facts before us. Cloud responsibility.
Also, don’t forget to tear apart Barack Obama for political imperfections.
Go to it!
Please share widely!
terrymcginty says
Please Doubleman. Tell us how Obama was a useless failure because he didn’t create a socialist utopia in eight years by fiat.
Please Trump trolls, tell us how Trump “created” the greatest economy in the history of man, and cannot be blamed for the pandemic response that has destroyed our economy, while Japan and Germany thrive with the very same virus.
The cynical sniping on this site to the mere hint of recognition of earnest leaders for who are shepherding the non-cultist political forces remaining in this country before it is too late, is really quite boring it is so predictable.
The nihilistic ridicule of anyone who expresses the slightest earnestness of support for Democratic Party leaders who are the ones actually doing the heavy lifting using our constitutional structures to try to control a would be despot would be debilitating, if it were not for the tremendous courage being shown by protesters and campaigners all over our country.
I knew what my post on Pelosi would evoke. I thought maybe I was wrong. Nope.
doubleman says
What was the “Obama Economy”?
You act as if it was something solely creditable to one person and also that it was amazing.
Crediting it all to Obama ignores important things like business cycles and how we see recessions every 5-8 years. But partisans want to put 100% of credit or blame on whichever person was in office and whether they liked them or not. Certainly administrations have huge fiscal power to impact macroeconomics but there are also other independent actors, like the Federal Reserve.
But more about the recovery. The stimulus was too small. We knew that. We knew that it would just help accelerate the natural recovery but not do enough to cause real growth or change larger issues. But the very serious people and the deficit scolds won the day. Those same people are still around, waiting to tackle another crisis. 🙁
And the treatment of Wall Street and bailing them out . . . how’d that work? We’re back in a similar place as we were with all the same Wall Street actors in power.
The real issue is that the “Obama Economy” was NOT GOOD for the majority of Americans. If you were wealthier or owned stocks, it was brilliant. A LOT of new billionaires and multi-billionaires were made. The “economy” is still great if you are in that boat. For most Americans, it was a time of little wage growth but increasing costs, including health care. The growth in jobs (and therefore decrease in unemployment) came mostly from precarious gig economy work. The Obama Economy was a continuation of increasing inequality and a cementing of large underclass.
Trump’s COVID response has no doubt made things worse. Bailed out the wrong people. Didn’t spend enough. Didn’t spend for long enough.
I reject the idea that Trump ruined a good thing. But yes, he made a bad thing worse.
You have posted regularly about Democratic leaders praising them without any critique. You called Nancy Pelosi “the savior of the American nation.” How is that different than what people on the right do with Trump? I agree that it is cultish what people do with Trump. I don’t know why it should be called “earnestness” when doing the same thing on the other side.
fredrichlariccia says
I’m NOT better off than I was four years ago.
THAT is proof enough for me that Lysol Von Syphilis SCREWED THE POOCH!
Christopher says
Donald Trump has destroyed the Obama economy after claiming credit for its success. Maybe if he had not also destroyed the Obama strategy for fighting pandemics people would not have felt the need to deliberately close it down. I think all that is obvious, but why does it sound like you are trying to pick a fight?