Now we learn that BACK IN APRIL the US Postal Service offered the COVID Task Force to deliver 5 protective masks — more than 600 million –to EVERY HOUSEHOLD IN AMERICA to save lives and it was nixed by the MURDERER – IN – CHIEF!
Please share widely!
It baffles and depresses me that (AT THE VERY LEAST) Trump is not referred to as the “incompetent impeached President who let 200,000 Americans die of Covid” by every single elected Democrat. Find a brutal condemnation of him and never ever let yourself mention him in public without that prefix. Never ever. Calling him “President Trump” or “Mr. President” and allowing him the honor of the title is a failure of basic politics.
No one has offered a convincing explanation explanation for why he did not respond. Those offered: the stock market, not panicking people, assuming a transmissible virus would only affect ‘blue states‘, are utterly unconvincing.
The only explanations that make logical sense in the context of the rest of this administration are far more sinister.
He’s incompetent, and he can’t admit that his hated predecessor had pandemics under control.
Today we learn that shortly after Congress passed the Cares Act in March to “prevent, prepare for, and respond to coronavirus” — the Pentagon diverted $ 1, 000,000,000 to defense contractors for other purposes.
This is why there is a severe shortage of N95 protective masks at several hospitals today.