My online friend, Major Nikon, explains Trump’s foolish insanity better than anyone I know :
Trump was and still is looking at the biggest bankruptcy of his entire life. He owes about as much as his assets are worth, and being in the hotel and resort industry he relies heavily on people traveling. Without people traveling his finances which were already shaky to begin with are now swirling the bowl. He’s on the verge of losing everything this time and with so much of his own money on the line this isn’t other people’s money, it’s his this time.
So what does he do? He pretends COVID is overstated, that it’s not a real threat, that people can go back to business as usual and more importantly he can start making money. He does all of this while knowing he is dead wrong in very much the literal sense.
You have to look pretty hard to find anyone in history that was fully willing to sacrifice that many people in the interest of their own greed. That’s some high level evil s… right there.
Prior to the Apprentice, Trump was quickly going broke. During the Apprentice he used the associated fame to sell licensing deals to basically anyone who would give him money for his name, including scumbags like Trump “University” and very questionable people in Russia and others. He was putting his name on Vodka, Chinese made clothing lines, mattresses, and all sorts of other crap. No licensing deal was too small for him to accept.
All of this licensing and Apprentice revenue was netting him a lot of money, but by 2011 the Apprentice ratings were falling and so were his revenue schemes. And what did he do with all that money? He invested in golf courses that have yet to make any money and much of his debt is coming due. He’s already mortgaged $100M on Trump Tower, another $100M from other properties, and he sold another $100M in stocks and bonds.
This isn’t the portrait of a successful billionaire. This is the portrait of a loser and a con man, only held together with smoke and mirrors.
So yeah, all of his COVID denial is about him making money and keep himself from a disastrous personal bankruptcy. Ironically had he done the right thing from the beginning we could be on the backside of this thing and his businesses would be better for it.
Who does the president owe $421,000,000 to? Pete Buttigieg
I have a guess but I’m not Russian to conclusions. Asha Rangapa
If I were a betting woman, I’d be Putin a lot of money on a certain someone. JoJoFromJerz
This strikes me as the portrait of a Russian stooge recruited by the Russian mob (under the direction of Vladimir Putin) to launder Russian mob money at their direction. This is the portrait of a man who happily sold out everything and everybody in exchange for the ability to continue satisfying his own vices.
The Russians don’t need videotapes of Mr. Trump doing lurid things with Russian prostitutes to keep him in line — he is addicted to the benefits of his decades of criminal behavior and will do absolutely anything to allow them to continue.
Nancy Pelosi has correctly identified the single most important takeaway from these disclosures: the President of the United States is a real and present national security risk.