Honestly no other comment. I’ve judged high schoolers and drunk college students who have done a better job sticking to the facts, the topic at hand, their arguments, and being civil toward their opponents. Biden won by default, as he has all cycle.
Please share widely!
A simple solution would be to shut off the mics when it’s not that person’s turn.
Agreed. Both parties would need to agree to that and I don’t see the party at fault doing so. Next ones a town hall where real voters ask questions!
I actually don’t understand why we allow the campaigns to negotiate the rules. I’m OK with them giving input, but ultimately the CPD should say this is the format and these are the rules. If only one of you shows he gets the 90 minutes to himself either to answer questions or give a speech. The rub is that the networks have to agree to still carry it live.
The only mic in front of Donald Trump worth listening to will be when he is under oath facing multiple life sentences for his many betrayals of America and everything we stand for.
I want his lies on the record so that he can be jailed for perjury after making them.
I turned it off at 10:00p because it was insufferable. My wife went to bed fifteen minutes after it began for the same reason.
I don’t believe that there are more than 11 people nationwide who don’t already know who they’re going to vote for.
Tonight’s embarrassment epitomizes the sickness of our political system.