Taken to its logical conclusion, the reasoning of Amy Coney Barrett would lead to the conclusion that there was no originalist basis for the decision in Brown v. Bd. of Education.
But black Americans are – yet again – going to save whites and this country as a whole from our false, sanitized and glorified historical mythology and deep racism, both on November 3, and beyond.
Please share widely!
SomervilleTom says
I’m sorry, but I reject the implicit racism of this diary. I, of course, agree that Ms. Barrett is yet another embarrassment who has no business in the judiciary at all — never mind sitting on the Supreme Court.
The claim that black Americans “are — yet again — going to save whites and this country as a whole …” is both over-the-top and factually incorrect.
Most importantly — had black Americans in the urban black neighborhoods of Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin bothered to show up and vote in 2016, then NONE of this unmitigated disaster would have happened.
It is more accurate to hope that enough blacks turn out in 2020 to at least stop the bleeding from the DISASTER that their black brothers and sisters caused in 2016.
Amy Coney Barrett is on the bench because the racism and sexism of urban black voters in those three key states (MI, PA, and WI) in 2016 put Donald Trump in the Oval Office. No matter how hard and fast apologists wave their hands, the facts of that debacle are compelling. Black urban voters in those three states turned out in droves in 2008 and 2012 to support Barack Obama. They stayed home in 2016. Their white racist counterparts stayed home in 2008 and 2012 and turned out in droves in 2016. America needed those urban black voters in those three key states to VOTE, and they failed that test.
There was no excuse for anybody to not know the truth about Donald Trump in 2016. There was even less reason for anybody to dismiss Hillary Clinton in that election. Ms. Clinton was America’s best and only option in November of 2016. America FAILED MISERABLY.
Racism and misogyny triumphed in 2016. It is rampant today.
I’m sick of all the beating around the bush about what happened, and I’m sick of all the whining from those who contributed to the failure.
Our best option now is to force a Constitutional Amendment protecting a woman’s right to choose — and even more importantly, protecting access to safe, effective, and convenient artificial contraception for every American.
The “battle” over Amy Coney Barrett was lost in 2016. It is not going to be won by anybody in 2020.
It’s time to move on — and time to stop mythologizing black Americans any more than any other demographic group.
fredrichlariccia says
“All your efforts to shut down polling sites, limit drop boxes, cause chaos in the USPS and make it hard as hell to vote are backfiring. They tell us that you’re scared. We won’t be deterred. We will swamp you with a blue wave like no one’s ever seen. Our votes will drown you.” George Takei
fredrichlariccia says
“The biggest antidote to trump’s poison is to vote.” Speaker Pelosi
fredrichlariccia says
My favorite lawn sign this week: Enjoy 🙂
I moved on him like a b…. . I just started voting. I don’t even wait until Election Day. Just voted. And when you are registered they let you do it.