Judge Amy Coney Barrett, do you believe that the president of the United States should be able to make himself a dictator, and end the 240-year experiment in American constitutional democracy?
“Senator, I would have to consult my law clerks, do the necessary research, and do full preparation before answering that question.”
“To answer that question would be to violate the standard set down by Justice Ginsburg. Furthermore, you are pushing me to violate canon 3.0 of the canons of judicial ethics by inappropriately pushing me to opine on an issue that is controversial and may come before the court.”
Yes, it is, in fact, that absurd. This confirmation hearing is eerily redolent of the William Barr confirmation. That speaks volumes.
“Fools names and fools faces are often seen in public places.”
My favorite quote from Roberta McCain who recently passed at 108.
Republicans, We’re voting for Joe Biden. We don’t give a damn what garbage you toss out, what last-gasp scandals you manufacture, what nonsensical controversies you create. You’ve spent four years desecrating this nation and you’re going to pay. Sincerely, Decent Americans @johnpavlovitz
The only “principle” the Pukes have ever had on the courts, voting, or anything is: Heads-I-win, tales-you-lose.