“…In reality, there was a reason Barrack Obama chose Joe Biden. He was a trusted figure in the United States Senate, the civil rights community, and among those knowledgeable on foreign policy.
“There is also a reason that the black community thus far has made clear in polls that Biden is their overwhelming choice. Not only is Biden a known and trusted figure, the black community has as much to lose as any other should Trump be re-elected.
“Can Biden stand up to Trump in a debate? Absolutely. You cannot out-Trump Trump. The only way to shrink Trump down to size is to show the true size of his character with a devastating side by side comparison: Biden’s human warmth, humor, and teflon with gaffes will prove to be impenetrable kryptonite for Trump.
“Anyone who saw Biden’s town hall with CNN’s Anderson Cooper tonight saw the real Joe Biden. Warm, lucid, quoting poetry, and evoking real emotion in the audience on the topics of health care and his mentoring of fellow stutterers.
“I hope the voters of New Hampshire are paying attention. I will be spending all of my available time there between now and next Tuesday to nominate Joe Biden, to bring this party together, to save us from falling into even darker times, and to begin to heal this country.”
Published here, February 6, 2020.
I am so thankful now on October 25, 2020, that the country may be gradually coalescing to choose healing and “our better angels”, as Lincoln said, over division and destruction. We will know in a month and a half on December 8, and hopefully much sooner.
(“For Lincoln, the ‘better angels of our nature’ are those civic and patriotic qualities, shaped by shared memory, that permit us, even in times of national fracturing, to ‘swell the chorus of the Union.’”)
-David Blankenhorn, The American Interest
When the GOP sends us someone for president. they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with them. They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. George Takei
But some I assume are good people. 🙂