A statement from Holly Ryan and Diego Sanchez
As the openly transgender seat members of the Massachusetts Democratic State Committee, we, Holly V. Ryan and Diego M. Sanchez, endorse and will vote for Mike Lake to be DSC Chair on November 12, 2020.
As seasoned openly transgender leaders both in the Commonwealth and nationally, we know that this election gives us an opportunity to enact recent recommendations as we equally work to expand the Party’s listening and partnering efforts. It also presents an obligation to be clear about the commitment to make way for deeper and broader outreach and engagement or people from all parts of our Party.
“Under prior State Party leadership, I had the honor to work hard and garner support to establish the two openly transgender seats the Party now has, and only because of the unwavering embrace of the LGBTQ+ community by our allies was that possible,” said Holly Ryan. “Today, we have more inroads to make and must be sure to have open engagement on how LGBTQ+ community members and issues are addressed. Under Mike’s leadership, I would feel confident about that.”
“Mike has always shown tremendous respect for and inclusion of communities that are not his own, and we can avert dissonance to strengthen our ties with current Party members as well as open doors wider for people who are yet to be invited and welcomed, which I feel as an openly transgender Latinx immigrant,” said Diego Sanchez.
While we do not wish to rehash recent dissonance and disregard, we have a responsibility to consider it and commit to improve who we are. This State Committee election is a one-person, one-vote environment, and we feel that silence would be dishonest; we need to speak up as mentors that it’s ok to move forward and that this election is most about Party integrity and principles, values and vision for an accountable future.
Author’s note : As a longtime member/activist of Bay State Stonewall Democrats, I proudly stand in solidarity with my sister Holly and brother Diego to support my dear friend, Mike Lake, for Chair.