Edited from my friend, Atticus : Many are now asking me to “forgive” and “excuse” and “reach out to” people who haven’t only spent the last four years trying to destroy me and all that I hold dear, they are still trying to do that and openly rejoice in the pain they have caused me.
I have not heard “I was wrong”. I have not even heard “I’m sorry”. I have not even heard lame excuses how they were “misinformed”.
What I have heard — still — is “Trump won! Screw your feelings”.
I am not only “not ready to make nice” with such as…., I can’t see that I ever will be ready. If that brands me as an unreasonable person, I can live with that.
Please share widely!
Charles Foster Kane claims to public that the election in which he was defeated had been marked by “Fraud at Polls!” “Citizen Kane” (1941) Michael Beschloss