So I walk into a store here yesterday with 329,000 to be dead by Christmas.
A man my age walks in, pulls his shirt up to his face temporarily, and then brings it down and talks to the clerk for three minutes, while my mother lay dying, in part possibly the residual effect of COVID.
This COVID was brought to her in no small part by the failure of the man-child in the White House to lead back in January and February like they led in Japan.
The endless ruination and politicization of public health messaging regarding the obvious need to wear masks, resulted in idiot men like this, acting not like men, but like overgrown boys, still walking around acting like they’re getting away with something.
Yes, sir, you are getting away with something.
You are killing your neighbors.
Every single resident in my mother’s nursing home who initially ‘recovered’ from COVID has since died (except my mother.) None of them are counted as COVID deaths, despite the fact that they were healthy previous to acquiring COVID. This is why Dr. Fauci point out that the actual death toll is much higher than listed.
I never understood why such facilities were not first on the list for very strict protocols, then we all act surprised that there are outbreaks in close quarters with vulnerable populations.
They pretty much were. They were not the problem.
We are. We have failed to grasp that this is an asymptomatically spread disease.
“At almost every step of this pandemic, we have failed magnificently as a country. And in ways we just really didn’t have to fail…It’s just the most mind-blowing, complete “Twilight Zone” experience that makes you ask why the hell we even bother.” Dr. Michael Mina, assistant professor of epidemiology at Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Not just nursing homes either.
Evidence is emerging that COVID causes long-term harm in victims long after they “recover” from the initial infection. This is especially true for older men and women, but it’s now being seen in both 25-40 year olds as well as young (primary-school age) children.
It will take years or decades to truly understand this disease and how to handle it.
“I’m just astounded by the dysfunction, the willingness to just stay the course as hundreds of thousands of people die, and the unwillingness to innovate in literally any way. I’ve realized that when we need to rise up as a country, we have truly no moral capacity to do it.” Dr. Mina