“He wasn’t a complete human being at all. He was a tiny bit of one, unnaturally developed; something in a bottle, an organ kept alive in a laboratory. I thought he was a sort of primitive savage, but he was something absolutely modern and up to date that only this ghastly age could produce. A tiny bit of a man pretending to be whole.” BRIDESHEAD REVISITED by Evelyn Waugh describing Rex Mottram
I fear that the poison of Trumpism will continue to infect our body politic long after the Evil Monster has been surgically excised.
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When Trump first stood on a stage and felt the excitement, adoration, devotion, from the crowd as he attacked that black president as he led the “Birther Movement”, it was an intoxicating moment for him as well as the crowd.
Finally, the crowd realized, there is someone willing to say out loud all the things we wish we could say. “He speaks his mind!” is just another way to say “He says things that I can’t say, because if I said them, I’d lose my job or be revealed as a racist. And I’m not a racist, I just know that blacks are not the same as me. Trump can’t be a racist because he’s a successful businessman and he made Ben Carson a member of his cabinet. See?”
Trump finally, after a lifetime of trying to woo the love and admiration of New York City’s elite, finds love with folks more accustomed to Waffle House than Eleven Madison Park and strangely, he feels more comfortable with them. They love him. He loves that they love him.
Trumpism is racism. Racism is not going away but at the very least, the Biden Administration and the SDNY can see to it that racism’s leader is prosecuted to the full extent of the law and only then will racism be driven back to the evil swamp it was allowed to escape from four years ago.