MSNBC Morning Joe and CNN is reporting that Assistant Speaker Congresswoman Katherine Clark (CD-5, Melrose) just announced that the House of Representatives will introduce Articles of Impeachment against President Trump next week:
“Donald Trump needs to be removed from office. And we are going to proceed with every tool that we have to make sure that that happens to protect our democracy. Clark said that Articles of Impeachment could be voted on “as early as mid–next week.”
“We know that we have limited time but everyday that Donald Trump is POTUS is a day of grave danger. We can use procedural tools to get Articles of Impeachment for a House vote quickly.”
Please share widely!
AOI will be introduced on Monday.
I think this is a bad idea that will not accomplish anything. A second impeachment will be defeated in the Senate just as soundly as the first.
I’d like to see the Democrats focus on creating the independent body contemplated by the 25th amendment, and giving it some teeth. Christopher’s proposal to amend the 25th Amendment so that it is automatically invoked upon the indictment of a sitting president is the best way to protect us from future despots.
The Robert Mueller investigation was hamstrung by the ambiguities of who is responsible for investigation, prosecuting, convicting, and punishing a corrupt and seditious president. Those ambiguities must immediately and explicitly be resolved. Our government must make it crystal clear that NO person is above the law.
The administration of Donald Trump and the Trumpists has revealed a gaping hole in America’s defenses against tyranny. There is a widening chasm in our crumbling foundations of liberty, and we have an urgent and immediate need to repair and rebuild that damage. More Kabuki Theater is not helpful.
I’m sick to death of empty Democratic posturing. It is time for action, not theater.
Let them all burn in hell!
Screw all the Trumpist Seditionist Fascist Anarchists!