Am I the only one who finds is disturbing that Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp is going to be subsidized by Facebook in Australia?
This is a direct result of a law passed in Australia forcing Facebook to pay “news providers.”
Even more disturbing is the general celebration this episode is inspiring in the media. It’s a brand new business model! No more layoffs in newsrooms! The media business has been searching for a new business model for years and here’s how it works:
1. A government out of compassion for someone deserving like Rupert Murdoch orders a successful social media giant to grant Murdoch a subsidy
2. Every time someone goes on facebook, or anything like it, News Corp, or something like it gets a cut.
A few weeks ago, On the Media ran a podcast entitled Slaying the Fox Monster My guess is that the fox monster isn’t going to be slain anytime soon. Just the opposite.
. . . the More They Stay the Same
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