- More than 57,000 kids applied to Harvard this year, competing for one of the 1,600 available seats for the Class of 2025. The application fee is $75. Over four million dollars was spent on this and one can only guess how many labor hours in applying, evaluating, and processing the results. I’d like to know why Harvard and other schools like Harvard can’t increase their enrollment…and what does all of this tell us about “higher education”?
- Mitch McConnell wants corporations to get their noses out of politics. Really, he said that.
- Is there any way possible to get Al Franken back into the Senate? Really, we screwed up on that one.
- The more I see this new generation of Democrats: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Katie Porter, Jen Psaki, the more optimistic I get for the party and our nation.
- The more I see this new generation of Republicans: Marjorie Taylor Greene, Lauren Boebert, Kayleigh McEnany, the more pessimistic I get for the Republican Party and my fears grow that they may regain power.
- The previous two statements illustrate a valid point: We need more than “More Women in Government”.
- On a personal note, I retired last October and moved from Metro West to the Cape in December. I’ve not spent much time on the Cape since moving to Massachusetts twenty years ago. It’s pretty quiet out here, but they tell me that’s about to change.
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