Unless you caught this on WBUR or read Commonwealth Magazine you may have missed this. The charges against three former assistant AG’s have been upheld.
I won’t go into the details here, because they are easily found on the internet and have even been hashed out here at BMG. Just a few observations:
1. Mass. AG Pays Law Firms $1M To Defend Ex-Prosecutors In Drug Lab Scandal | WBUR News Not only were Kazmarek and Foster able to find government jobs with big raises after this scandal broke, their legal fees in the current proceeding will be covered by the taxpayers, thanks to the AG.
2. Suffolk County DA LEAD database – 9.25.20 – Google Sheets When Suffolk County DA Rachel Rollins released the Brady list last fall, she somehow left her own assistant John Verner off it. The Brady list is a compilation of law enforcement officials whose credibility might come under attack if they testified in a criminal case.
3. Don’t bother checking the Globe, they are just too polite to mention this. This seems to be a trend at the Globe. Not only did they look the other way in this case, but last week they published a gushing tribute to deceased sportswriter Nick Cafardo. Cafardo published the original cover story for serial child molester Don Fitzpatrick, who worked for the Boston Red Sox for years. (That story ran September 7, 1991.) Fitzpatrick then went on to buy a condo down the street from Randolph High School. The consequences are still being felt. Nothing but glowing comments for the Globe puff piece, because they blocked me three times from even mentioning the date of Cafardo’s piece. He is in the Hall of Fame as of yesterday.
How did I know as soon as I saw an anti-Healey headline that you would be the author?
I have the same reaction.
Nevertheless, Bob is raising legitimate concerns.
I would like to understand more about the substance of this diary.
That WBUR piece is devastating.
I’m relatively unconcerned about the first item. We should always assume that an accused is innocent until proven guilty. I do wonder if the fees paid by the state might be recoverable from the individuals now that their guilt has been established.
The culture of corruption within our various law enforcement agencies is a blot on the entire state. Ms. Healey will have a difficult time winning higher office if she is unable to show voters that she is changing that culture.
This is more than just a trend for the Globe. That publication has been a key player in the state-wide culture of corruption for decades. The only thing the Globe cares about is increasing the value of the various John Henry franchises.