Mike Luckovich comic on 7/19/21 has a split exposing the hypocrisy of the FOX crowd:
Frame 1 : Fox News anchors questioning vaccine
Frame 2 : Fox news anchors vaccinated
Joy Reid announced on the Reid Out tonight that NOT ONE employee can work at FOX without being vaccinated. NOT ONE.
Please share widely!
According to data from the CDC, The current 7-day moving average of new deaths of Trump supporters (211) has increased 26.3% compared with the previous 7-day moving average (167). No wonder Republicans are trying to restrict voting rights. Their numbers are tanking.
It’s a tough line to navigate. Here on the Cape, a local prominent Republican, Trump Supporter, and member of the “United Cape Patriots” who openly protested the Vax Bus visit to Provincetown, and refused to get vaccinated, just died after getting Covid.
One wonders when they will figure out that it’s mostly MAGA people dying?
I think they just did
Tanking markets are the short term motivator, but they’ll be fewer +65 white voters to race bait into voting for tax cuts if this vax skepticism keeps taking old among their base.
Trumpists are high on their own flatulence.
I recently had my gall bladder removed and was horrified to learn that one of my nurses had not been vaccinated. I support NYC Mayor’s decision to have ALL health care workers vaccinated.
It wouldn’t horrify me from a personal safety standpoint, but it does very much surprise me that health care workers weren’t first in line to be vaccinated, whether by requirement or common sense in a more hazardous environment.