This moving testimony from Caroline Randall Williams should put an end to further discussion about why racist monuments should be removed now :
“I have rape-colored skin. My light-brown-blackness is a living testament to the rules, the practices, the causes of the Old South.
If there are those who want to remember the legacy of the Confederacy, if they want monuments, well, then, my body is a monument. My skin is a monument.
I am a black Southern woman, and of my immediate white male ancestors, all of them were rapists. My very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow.”
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SCORE one for the good guys!
Racist statues came tumbling down today in Charlottesville, Virginia when Lee and Jackson were removed early this morning and put into storage. Mayor Nikuyah Walker said : “The statues coming down is one small step forward in a bigger push to accurately teach history, invest in wealth gaps, and dismantle white supremacy.”