This article published today that challenges some of my own simplistic assumptions about COVID, is a must-read. Dr. William Haseltine is one of the foremost scientists in the world of epidemiology, and someone who actually knows what he’s talking about.
I already lost my own mother to this disease, but it may get far worse for our entire human family if we don’t get seriously humble about this virus.
We may be in for a bad ride.
Please share widely!
Dr. Fauci continues to conclude his comments with something like, “but we can crush this if we all get vaccinated” – operative word being “all”. The end of this is in the people’s hands.
Nothing irritates me more than hearing commentators, journalists – and sometimes even doctors – citing present-day reassuring statistics, especially, for example, with children (and this is most often with regard to the numbers of children in the hospital TODAY) as if that tells the story.
Are we ever going to learn that what tells the story of this virus are the ingredients for NEXT MONTH’S numbers?
In almost every instance of ‘surprise’, it should NOT have been a surprise, and epidemiologists and pandemic experts like Dr. Hazeltine and Laurie Garrett, among many others, publicly warned well ahead of time what was coming.
But like little children who don’t want to take their cough syrup and who act like taking it is a tragedy, people:
1. Whine about wearing masks;
2. Try to act like they’re too ‘strong’ to be brought down by this virus; or
3. Think, based on PAST patterns of PREVIOUS variants, that they and their loved ones are not the ones in danger.
The ingredients. The ingredients. The question is, what does current science predict will be the ingredients for NEXT MONTH’S statistics?
Not, not, not present day statistics.