” There is a cult of ignorance in the United States and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov
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Senate is now debating the $3 T human infrastructure reconciliation bill that only needs 50 votes to pass.
Senate passed $ 3.5 T human infrastructure reconciliation budget plan 50 – 49 at 4 am today.
Biden’s Build Back Better plan includes BOTH $1T bipartisan bill and $3.5T reconciliation bill.
I recently cut all ties with someone I’ve known for over thirty years. He’s highly educated, if one makes such judgements by academic certification. He has several patents registered. In most any conversation, one would see him as a highly intelligent and charming individual.
However, bring up Trump and somehow he joins the ignorance cult?
While I will agree there are cult members that fit the caricature that we imagine, let’s not lose sight of the fact that many of these supposed ignorant cult members are not driving a Dodge Ram pickup to their home at the trailer park, they are driving their BMW to their summer home in Chatham.
They are not ignorant but from my experience, they have lived their life as a closeted racist for all these years and only now, after Trump made it acceptable or even respected, they are proud of it. While once they saw themselves as a minority and hid under terms like moderate or fiscal conservative, social liberal, they now see that slightly less than half of the voters in the USA backed Trump and his open commitment to the advancement of white supremacy.
So how do you explain people like Byron Donalds?
Men like Byron Donalds have not personally experienced racism against blacks and excuse white racism only as a reaction to the failure of people of color.
They see the anger and discrimination against blacks by whites as a natural reaction to the immorality of the black race and they wish to be a role model for their black brothers and sisters; show them how to earn the respect of the white race that has learned to practice superior morality.
Don’t know how he could have grown up and made it to Congress without experiencing the pervasive, systemic racism so prevalent in this country which prevents Blacks from accomplishing anything, hope he wakes up and realizes how much of a victim he really is.
It appears to me far more likely that Mr. Donalds has learned how to play the political game in today’s GOP.
There are many ways of experiencing the pervasive systemic racism so prevalent in the country and many ways to swim in those turbulent waters.
Florida is being ravaged by COVID at this moment. Children are dying unnecessarily in Florida today because of the gross and vicious lies spread by Florida officials like Mr. Donalds.
Byron Donalds is a case study in how today’s GOP and rabid right is literally killing people.
Look up “Uncle Tom” and “House N—–“