Nina Turner has conceded to Shontel Brown in Ohio’s 11th district special Democratic PRIMARY to fill HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge’s old seat. The final results: Brown 51% ; Turner 44%.
Brown was down by 35 points when the race started but ran a strong grassroots door-knocking campaign and was boosted by the endorsements of Hillary Clinton, House Whip Rep. James Clyburn and Fudge’s Mom at the 11th hour.
President Biden just called to congratulate Representative-Elect Brown.
Democratic voters want principled, bold, pragmatic leaders who will work with team Biden to deliver good results for America.
THIS is how we BEAT the PUKES !!! By running real Democrats that support our President and FIGHT against the crazy s… to WIN !!!
This is more a victory for Trumpers like Robert Kraft who funded Brown’s campaign.
That’s crazy s…, Bob.
Turner’s campaign, in turn, pointed out that some of the money that went into supporting Brown’s campaign came from prominent Republican donors, including New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft and former Cuyahoga County Republican Party Chairman Roger Synenberg.
And Bill Kristol
Bill Kristol
Jul 29
Mainstream Democrat Shontel Brown has pulled even to leftist Nina Turner in OH-11. Reminder: Tuesday’s Democratic primary is effectively the general election, and all registered voters can vote in the Democratic primary. Just request a Democratic ballot.
“Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, people will vote for the real Republican all the time.”
— Harry S. Truman
Hopefully, Truman’s prediction won’t come true in this district, which is considered to be safely Democratic. But in that case you have to wonder why so much of the Democratic leadership was willing to work hand in Glove with Trumpers like Kraft and never Trumpers like Kristol in a race that will have no effect on the House majority.
Fred you’re wrong. This not how we “BEAT the PUKES”. No Republicans were harmed in this election.
So she’s toxic and a sore loser:(
I was hoping for another member of Congress in the mold of Cori Bush Cori Bush Galvanized a Revolt Over Evictions – The New York Times (
From my own limited knowledge, it seemed that Turner fit that description more than Brown. By quite a bit.
I’ll leave it at that. BMG seems to be getting less congenial to criticism of Republicans.
You’re full of it, Bob. So you support that wackjob Turner who said supporting Biden was like “eating a bowl of S…”.
By definition, all loser PUKES are harmed when Dems win. So, you’re wrong again Bob.
So you’re saying that every Democratic primary is a defeat for the GOP? No matter who wins? By definition?
There are a lot happy Republicans this morning. My question is why so many who called themselves Democrats worked so hard to make Bill Kristol and Robert Kraft happy.
Is this all going over your head, Fred? You must realize that you are making no sense at all.
So any Democratic primary is a defeat for the GOP, no matter who wins? By definition? That really makes no sense, Fred.
There are a lot of Republicans who are happy about the outcome of the Turner/Brown race. My question is why so many people who call themselves Democrats worked so hard and spent so much money to make Bill Kristol and Robert Kraft happy.
Name me ONE prominent PUKE who is happy about the Brown win.
Just ONE, Bob.
CRICKETS, from Bob. Is that why you changed the subject, Bob ?
Bill Kristol and Robert Kraft are both prominent PUKES., Fred. For more Republican connections: In the Race Against Nina Turner, GOP Donors Fund Shontel Brown (
Of course, I’ve already named Kraft and Kristol multiple times. It takes a real whack job to read those names and pretend not to notice. And then to gloat over his own ignorance.