As in the days of the fugitive slave acts and the underground railroad, decent people who believe in democracy and modernity need to create a fund to pay the abortion bounties, and a fund to pay lawyers’ fees for the pregnant people.
As Harvard law professor Laurence Tribe said yesterday, this Supreme Court has created a disastrous world, in which law enforcement has been privatized, as it had been in the 1850’s, when bounties were placed on the heads of fugitive slaves by their ‘owners’.
The only decent, logical, and potentially response, then, is to create two funds. One of which is there, ready and waiting to pay the $10,000 bounties now placed by the Texas Legislature and the Supreme Court of the United States.
This would take the insidious teeth out of the perverse law, effectively defanging it.
But this also must be accompanied by a legal fund, since the law permits only one side to also collect legal fees, and of course it is not the pregnant persons.
Until the madness recedes, the rest of us must form the good community, and protect our pregnant friends.
This unconstitutional chaos is going to unleash a wave of vigilante litigation.
I think this will do just the opposite.
You are proposing to PAY these ransoms. The effect will be to explode the number of vigilantes by making it profitable — not just in Texas, but in the several other states that are already creating copy-cat legislation.
Just as in the Afghan tragedy, there is no clean way out of this.
The American Taliban terrorists will wreak havoc on ALL women, and especially the women in these states. This is a catastrophe that can only be stopped by crushing the American Taliban.
We should NOT provide a profit motive for these obscene neo-Stasi vigilantes.
And — by the way — this is yet another example of how religious extremism is destroying the very fabric of America.
As is pointed out in the Daily How Texas Banned Almost All Abortions – The New York Times (, the trick that the Texas Legislature used to avoid court review is available for any kind of bill. Gun control is Massachusetts is the hypothetical example used in the podcast.
I could think of other possible examples. but my examples are no better than anyone else’s. It might be worth doing for some liberal leaning state legislatures.
It’s just possible that the SC has made a bed they may not want to sleep in.
I want no part of this “trick”.
It is enshrining in law one of the most abhorrent aspects of the notorious East German Stasi — the widespread of use of paid informants.
This is evil. It is evil whether practiced by Nazi Germany, East Germany, or American Taliban. It violates everything that America has always professed to believe in — especially conservative America.
This is Puke sponsored Sharia law.
Not even to enforce a “mandate” to get vaccinated? Me neither. I’m glad we finally agree. I never doubted that you had standards,
But if a flood of unpalatable laws protected from review is what it takes to reinstate choice, I think it’s worth consideration. Stamping our feet and shouting about Sharia law isn’t going to do it.
Paying ransom demands of terrorists only creates more terrorists.
I considered it. It’s a terrible idea.
My views on how the American Taliban should be investigated, prosecuted, convicted, and punished are easy to find here.