gives more rights to a gun than to a woman? Jeff Tiedrich
Dems have to walk and chew gum by focusing on kitchen-table issues: a growing economy / wrestling COVID down while hitting the Know Nothing / Do Nothing Rethug Pukes on every hot-button cultural issue they get wrong.
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fredrichlariccia says
More American children died this year to protect the 2nd Amendment than the military.
fredrichlariccia says
Yet there are no “well regulated militias” in any of these cases.
fredrichlariccia says
We are being terrorized by these crazy fascist gun nuts.
fredrichlariccia says
Welcome to America…where the pursuit of someone’s “freedom”– pro-gun / anti-vaxers / “Big Liars” seditionistas / anti-choice — means others literally have to die.
fredrichlariccia says
Masks are tyranny but kids dying in school shootings or forcing a 14 year old girl to carry her rapist’s baby are just the cost of “freedom.”
fredrichlariccia says
“Texas doesn’t have a hotline if you see a man go into a kindergarten with an AR-15, but it does have a hotline if you see a woman go into a Planned Parenthood parking lot with her car.” Betty Bowers
fredrichlariccia says
“Do not lecture us on the sanctity of life, the importance of life when one hundred people every single day are losing their lives to guns, when kids go to school fearful that they won’t return home because a classmate will turn on them when it is in our control whether this happens.” Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) speech to hypocritical Republicans on the Senate floor 11/30/21 after the Michigan school slaughter of four kids
bob-gardner says
Tony Blinken congratulates himself at Biden’s “Democracy” conference on how the administration is no longer going to persecute journalists. Simultaneously, the justice department gets permission to extradite a foreign publisher for exposing US. war crimes. Shithole indeed.