Lower speeds conserve fuel.
If you see someone going slowly in front of you. Be nice. They might just be slowing down for Ukraine. That’s what passing lanes are for. Don’t tailgate. Have some manners.
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Isn’t fuel economy usually greater on faster highways?
Fuel economy is MUCH worse at 75 than at 55. That’s why Jimmy Carter imposed the nationwide 55 MPH speed limit during the first oil embargo.
Once the vehicle is rolling, fuel economy goes down in rough proportion to the square of the speed. That’s because air resistance is the primary drag factor, and that goes (roughly) according to the cross-sectional area of the vehicle.
The increase of 20 MPH from 55 to 75 causes a MUCH larger increase in drag, and therefore decrease in fuel economy.
When I travel on MA interstates, about half the cars are going more than 75. I haven’t seen any speed enforcement on I93, I90, Rt 128, or Rt 3 (from Chelmsford to NH) in years.
Yeah, I thought about the 55 thing after I posted. I’m rarely in a place that allows more than 65 and if I catch myself going 75 I dial it back. My car has an instant economy gauge and the reading tends to stay quite high in my experience if I am cruising at 65.