White male voters without a college degree overwhelmingly supported Trump in 2020, with polls showing the Republicans taking that voter group by a 70% to 28% margin. But YouGov’s poll found that half of that group see Trump in a favorable light now, with 46% of them disapproving of Trump.
Among voters 45-64 years old – a group polls show the former president won, 50% to 49% in 2020 – 57% see the president unfavorably, with 39% viewing him favorably.
Question for BMG: Should the Democratic Party start a campaign to attract these voters or should the party dismiss them as a basket of deplorables, ignorant racists, vile misogynists, while the Republican Party tries to find a way to hold onto them for 2022 and 2024
This thread-starter amounts to a push-poll.
Here are some criteria that I apply to any would-be Democratic voter:
In my opinion, the Democratic Party should dismiss any voter who advocates one or more of these bullets as “deplorable”.
If our society is so toxic that tolerating or embracing any of these lies is necessary to win an election, then we have already lost the political war.
How is someone who applauds the recent statements of Marjorie Taylor Greene at the America First Political Action Conference anything BUT deplorable and an ignorant racist?
It is time for every American to choose sides, and the choices are becoming more and more stark with every passing hour.
Assuming a moment in time when a participant on BMG happens to be in a social setting and meets someone who admits that they are deeply disappointed in Trump, are you recommending an automatic defensive suspicion of the individual and a “Spanish Inquisition” style approach to gauge their worthiness of your time?
If so, I would disagree and apply a more welcoming and friendly approach. I’d ask them what they were looking for in Trump and failed to receive, and then, if possible, suggest ways in which Biden and the Democrats have delivered on these issues.
Of course not.
The two of us have been having this conversation since 2016. The question has always been “what portion of Trump/GOP supporters are deplorable”.
I hope you agree that Democrats do not welcome deplorable attitudes.
I hope you agree that the share of deplorable voters among 2022 Trump/GOP supporters is MUCH higher than it was in 2016 — because the GOP has been actively and aggressively purging itself of anyone who is NOT deplorable since 2016 and especially since 2020.
I’m therefore not sure what we’re still discussing.
The Democratic Party has an opportunity to peel away support from Trump. I would suggest that Mr. Biden make it very clear at his State of the Union address that unlike Mr. Trump who tried to withhold military aid from Ukraine and who praised Putin as a genius, as Americans, we need to reject that stain on our past and reclaim our place in the world as the leader of democracy and freedom. Biden and the Democrats have an amazing opportunity here. Trump’s appeal to his base is shrinking and that base needs a new leader. Yes, their is still a significant population of Americans loyal to Trump and yes, those are the “deplorables”, but again, not all who voted for Trump deserve to be banished.
I agree with all of this.
Okay, thanks