Republicans believe in States Rights, The Bible, Conservatism, The Constitution, and Science only when it supports the two remaining planks of their platform:
Adherence to Winner Take All Capitalism.
Domination of Heterosexual White Males.
This explains their devotion to Donald Trump AND Vladimir Putin.
Feel free to point out where this is in error.
Please share widely!
The Putinists have taken over the leadership of the GOP. It appears that any GOP candidate who opposes that Putinist agenda will likely not prevail in a GOP primary.
It also appears that the Putinist agenda is supported by a mere 5-8% of American voters.
That means that the Putinist GOP is likely to have a very difficult time winning any general election.
It is therefore not surprising that the Putinist GOP is working so energetically to allow Putinist party loyalists to overturn any election results the party dislikes.
Putinists have widely stayed silent on Trump’s recent comments, asking Putin to release information on Hunter Biden.
This is a rare chance for the Democratic Party to become the one that chants “U-S-A, U-S- A” and oppose the communists in Russia….but corporate media is focused on gas prices (which are lower than those during the Bush administration) while Fox news is all about opposing trans rights at Disney World.
It’s a Kafkaesque world where the Justice Department cannot find anything out of the ordinary on the former president whose administration and associates are littered with convicted felons, no one is concerned about the seven hours missing from the White House call logs on January 6th, the wife of a Supreme Court judge takes centerstage during an attempted insurrection, and oh well, is Tom Brady really going to play for Miami?
POTUS Biden just ordered the release of 1 Billion barrels of oil A DAY for 180 days from our Strategic Oil Reserve to drive gas prices down until new production comes on line in 6 months. AND he read the riot act to greedy oil companies jacking up gas prices. He told them to start using the more than 900 drilling leases they’ve been sitting on OR lose them…USE THEM OR LOSE THEM you bastards!
I’m not sure that a government-sponsored explosion in the number active oil-drilling operations is a good outcome.
Americans have been under-paying for gasoline for decades. That’s a huge reason why we are in the midst of the climate catastrophe that we are ignoring while we talking about Tom Brady.
Was that Miami or Tampa Bay?
Remember what Churchill said: “The first duty of every statesman is to get elected.”
In a democracy, our first duty is to keep EVERY Trumpist / Putinist PUKE from ever winning power again!
This is an emergency, Tom ! What with COVID, inflation, Ukraine war, Russian oil embargo, gas company price gouging. This was exactly the scenario that the SOR was instituted to remedy during the first Arab oil embargo in the ’70s. You and I are old enough to remember those long gas lines !
Correction. That’s 1 Million barrels a day, not billion.
How about the cost of insulin for diabetics? The House today voted 232 -193 (all D’s and 12 R’s) to cap the cost of the lifesaving vials at $35 / month for a drug that costs less than $10/vial to manufacture yet millions with insurance pay hundreds per vial.
Question? Why did 193 Putin / Trumpist PUKES vote to keep a lifesaving medicine beyond the reach of millions of sick Americans? Why?
Unfortunately even without election issues, Republicans will get more than single digit results.
The mainstream media will certainly do all in their power to assure that.
If the world were at all fair, the Putin/Trump agenda would be stuck at 5-8%, but the evidence does really seem to suggest that closer to 40% really do agree with it without media influence or electoral shenanigans. I admit even that’s hard to know for sure. I don’t know if there’s a way to conduct a controlled experiment wherein one set of voters watch certain media and others don’t, or if the same voters really change when exposed to different media. IOW, did an outlet like Fox create more Trump supporters, or simply tap into a pre-existing base that didn’t feel represented in other media. Fox itself would probably argue the latter.
The media influence has been going on for decades, no controlled experiment like you suggest is possible.
CNN and MSNBC are airing nightly pieces that talk about, for example, the “impact” of “inflation” on “everyday Americans”. This amounts to concern trolling, especially on MSNBC, with sage-sounding Democratic pollsters and influencers solemnly describing the immediate short-term political impact with NO commentary at all about who is actually to blame.
The war in Ukraine was not started by any Democrat. The supply chain disruptions are the direct and intentional result of two years of GOP/Trumpist anti-vax, anti-mask, and anti-COVID lies. The overdependence on unsustainably cheap gasoline was not caused by any Democrat.
Years ago, several reliable studies showed conclusively that people who watched “real crime” shows on TV consistently and dramatically over-estimated their own risk of being victimized by crime. This was especially true regarding fears of burglary in low-crime neighborhoods.
That’s the kind of statistical analysis that will better show the effects that I’m talking about.
The recently-departed head of CNN — Jeff Zucker — was literally responsible for making Donald Trump a media celebrity and star.
It was Mr. Zucker who green-lit “The Apprentice” while Mr. Zucker was head of programming at NBC, and Mr. Zucker who transformed Donald Trump in a media celebrity.
Make no mistake — NBC, MSNBC, and CNN have EVERYTHING to do with the rise of Trumpism in America today.
I actually just ran across an article which may be close to the kind of study to which I was referring.