A country with senators from one party (The.Republican.Party..- let’s be clear) who cannot be moved to a rational policy to stop school children from being REPEATEDLY slaughtered, or to stop families from being blown to bits for no reason while watching a 4th of July parade, and who are continually granted that ongoing power by its people, is honestly not a country to be fully proud of until this changes. Sorry.
Let’s fix this and finally make it as easy to be proud of our country as it should be. There are too many good people here not to make it so. Let’s live up to our creed.
Get at least one person you know in a swing state or U.S. House swing district to vote THIS Fall.
I’m eager to celebrate a newly-minted “Incarceration Day” — a holiday to celebrate the prosecution, conviction, and incarceration of EVERY leader of the insurrection.
Not just Donald Trump, either. The list is long and growing.
For Christopher — yes, I am proposing that each and every conviction be well within the rule of law.
Among other things, I think it is crucial that EVERY American know that wealth, power, and celebrity does not provide a get-out-of-jail-free card to any person.
I’ve long thought we should counter Make America Great Again with Make America Proud Again.