Call me odd, but I think if 2024 comes down to the Republicans running with Trump and the Democrats run with Biden, if Liz Cheney runs as an Independent with a suitable running mate -Adam Kinzinger, maybe even a Democrat, she wins the White House. Dad would be proud.
Please share widely!
I can’t imagine these days the winner not being either the Democratic or Republican nominee. I think Cheney running as an independent would split the Republican vote.
As the news of Mar-a-Lago unfolds, and the economy improves (despite the failure of the media to report the latter), I see Mr. Biden’s chances improve.
If the Democrats increase their numbers in the Senate, his chances increase. Oddly enough, if the Republicans take the house, I see Biden’s chances increase as well.
First of all, gross. While I appreciate Ms. Cheney’s courage in bucking her party at the last possible moment, she has been complicit in all decisions that brought us to this point. The best thing she could do is to act as a spoiler and unfortunately, I don’t see “R”s as falling for that. There aren’t enough center Right players to make a significant play.
“the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
Kautilya, the Hindu scholar who provided foreign policy advice to Chandragupta, the founder of the Maurya Empire in ancient India.
I’d fall short at calling her gross and try to cut her some slack on complicity in Washington D.C. politics.
Take it from an expert, third parties are doomed to failure outside radical changes to our election system like ranked choice voting, all party primaries, and publicly financed elections. Alaska is proof that these changes can help keep right wing extremists like Sarah Palin away from Congress and protect anti-impeachment Republicans like Murkowski.
Even with an influx of money and Democrats and independents joining the Republicans to vote in her primary, Cheney still lost by a huge margin.
I want Cheney to run in the GOP primary. I think it will siphon away money and votes that could otherwise go to Yangs party or similarly doomed never trump/anti Biden efforts. It will also continue the work of Jan 6 committee before prime time Republican audiences in debates. It will also make it very awkward for the post Trump Republicans like Pence and DeSantis. If Biden runs for re-election uncontested it also brings an opportunity for Democrats and independents to vote for Cheney in the Republican primary. Lastly it makes her endorsement of Biden in 24’ more powerful. We deserve a functional two party system and a campaign that shows conservatives it is still possible working within the parameters of a liberal democratic system. Otherwise we are in for a series of elections between democracy vs. Orbanism that will get more and more high stakes.
As I re-think this, I still want her to run as an independent in 2024. Assuming Trump runs, she will take more votes from him than from Biden (or other Democrat).