Our brave Speaker stood tall for Taiwan democracy and China blinked!
She left Taiwan at 6am after receiving their highest honor for standing up for their independence.
Taiwan’s President called Speaker Pelosi: “A devoted friend.”
Bravo, Madam Speaker!
Please share widely!
Our great President Biden did NOT call the Speaker to ask her to stand down on Taiwan. Thank you, Mr. President!
“Speaker Pelosi is a devoted friend of Taiwan.” President of Taiwan when presenting Speaker Pelosi with their highest civilian honor
Not sure if it is a profile in vanity or a profile in senility. Jake Sullivan was on the record begging her not to go, so it is pretty clear to me the administration did not okay this. This was a reckless exercise during a time when we need her leadership in Washington to ensure Congress actually can pass all the recent legislative breakthroughs Sen. Schumer and Sen. Manchin have negotiated and to reign in the rogue DCCC which has done a lousy job promoting MAGA authoritarians and defending anti-choice Democratic incumbents. Maloney should be fired, especially for the awful way he handled his own redistricting. But since she cannot lead in DC she can grandstand against her own party’s president abroad.